Bobble head syndrome

Posted by: amy,

Waiting for my Entrepreneurship class is certainly going to be a challenge, given it's at 4:30 and I'm just doing random chores. Worse yet, I've realized today that dinner will be completely construed once I get into my night classes more. I haven't even had one yet, last week I got to skip out of Retail (with promised access to a video of the class once Mr. Gee gets around to it.) because of Kick off. This week will technically be the first I'll really have all 3 of them. I normally eat around 5, and so obviously I'll either have to decide to eat out before class or wait 2 1/2 more hours than normal to get home.... I don't want to screw up my metabolism either so I've just been balancing the options in my head. So far it seems that the best idea is to bring food with me to a certain extent, especially since I can't stand eating on campus that much. Still have to blow the $225, but being on campus all day for 3 days pretty much leaves me a lot of room to spend it. According to my calculations... I have about 5 bucks to spend every day there. Doesn't seem like much anyway with such ostentatious prices.

"Run neon tiger... don't let them tame you. You're far too pure and bold."

I don't know what I'm waiting for... School, work, all these random things I have going on doesn't seem like much at all. There's this internal yearning that makes me want to shoot farther; be more; know more. I have this feeling of puzzlement in the back of my head, attempting to push it's way out right behind my eyes of what I am, who I want to be, what I want to reach for and all that muddled up mess. I started to wonder if I am in the right field. Consultation is certainly close to my heart but would I prefer business or consumer? Would I rather tend to the problems of a company or group on whole, even a non-profit, or would I rather tend to the needs of the little guy? If I'd rather help the little guy than shouldn't I instead be double majoring in finance rather than marketing? What sort of information do I need financially for management consultation for that matter? And would I rather specialize in non-profits or technology firms or mix it up and be very broad? I know I would like to specialize so I suppose I should just keep adjusting to what becomes the new path. I think helping the little guy is more of a side desire, something that will stay with me for the rest of my life, and coaching on a managerial level is more proactive for career. I could always focus differently in graduate school if this turns out to be defective logic. For the present, I'd like to become more involved in coaching people one-on-one, and maybe mentoring at Trio if that is possible. At Kick off there was the mention of helping out the Shades Valley Y and maybe doing life coaching and that sort of thing for the people that go. My face lit up like a light bulb. How perfect? I guess I should start with Trio and keep trying to edge out and don't get blown out with all the stuff that will be going on this semester. I'll have to cut business honors in half just to get to my mentoring program and am going to have to get out of there as early as possible too.

Ahh... Busy busy. It was still cool seeing Patrick getting baptized yesterday. I had no idea he'd only recently been saved. God really is an awesome God. Next week I'll get to try out that service and see if I enjoy it more; I have a feeling that I definitely will. I hope so; it'll be a good experience to grow accustomed to. That's all for today.




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